Demokratelezh : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

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==[[Winston Churchill|Winston Churchill]]==
"An demokratelezh a zoeo ar washañgwashañ sistemdoare gouarnamant a zo, war bouez an holl rezoareoù all hag a zo bet amprouet a vare da vare"
*''Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.'' — Prezegenn en ''House of Commons'', 11 a viz Du 1947.
*Prezegenn en ''House of Commons'', 11 a viz Du 1947
==[[Thomas Pynchon|Thomas Pynchon]]==
MaMard z'int gouest lakaatd'ho an dudlakaat da sevel ar goulennoù fall, n'o deus ket ezhomm bezañd'en chaletem ochalañ respontgant ar dezhorespontoù.
*''If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers.'' — 1973 <ref>PYNCHON Thomas, ''Gravity's Rainbow'', Penguin Classics, 2006 {{ISBN|978-0-1430-3994-5}}</ref>
*Thomas Pynchon (1973) ''Gravity's Rainbow,'' Viking Press, p. 251. <!--(Considering Hitler's appointment as Chancellor, the Reichstag Fire, and subsequent March elections, democracy may contain the seeds of its own undoing, and this quotation describes how those events did that.)-->
<div style="font-family:Palatino; font-size:1.2em;">♦&nbsp;Amerika zo un tiriad ma treuzo ur c'heodedour ar meurvor da stourm evit an demokratelezh, pa nac'ho treuziñ ar straed da vont da vouezhiañ en ur vouezhiadeg vroadel.</div>
*''America is a land where a citizen will cross the ocean to fight for democracy and won't cross the street to vote in a national election.'' — B. Vaughan