Martialis : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

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Linenn 1:
'''Marcus Valerius Martialis''', ganet war-dro 40 A.D. e Bilbilis, ur gêrig e biz Hispania. Barzh roman. anavezet eo ivez evel Marsial.
Barzh roman
Skrivet en deus barzhonegoù berr ha flemmus anvet gantañ Epigrammata
He was a scathing satirist, often writing highly derogatory poems of his acquaintances - including his patrons - Though not the first Roman poet to write in an epigrammatic style he is widely considered to have brought the epigram to its acme as a literary genre; thus he is rightly considered the 'Father of the Epigram.'
*Non hic Centauros, non Gorgonas Harpiyasque