Horatius : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Pajenn nevez: ==Ars poetica== *Bis repetita non placent Div wech lavaret ne blij ket (Tennet eus gwerzenn 365 '''Ars poetica''' Horatio, ma respont ar barzh e c'haller lavarout dek gwech un dra ...
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Linenn 1:
== Skridoù==
=== Flemmganoù (war-dro 35 kent JK ha 30 kent JK) ===
* ''Inde fit ut raro, qui se vixisse beatum<br>dicat et exacto contentus tempore vita<br>cedat uti conviva satur, reperire queamus.''
** Rouez e kaver den hag a lavar en deus bevet ur vuhez evurus, hag a c'hallfe, laouen gant e vuhez, en em dennañ eus ar bed evel ur c'houviad bet e walc'h gantañ.
** Levrenn I, flemmgan i, linenn 117
===Ars poetica===
*Bis repetita non placent
Div wech lavaret ne blij ket (Tennet eus gwerzenn 365 '''Ars poetica''' Horatio, ma respont ar barzh e c'haller lavarout dek gwech un dra vrav hep skuizhañ penn ar selaouer.
=== ''[[w:Carminum liber primus|Telennganoù]]'' (war-dro 23 kent JK ha 13 kent JK) ===
* ''Nil desperandum...''
** Fallgaloniñ biken ...
** Levrenn I, telenngan vii, linenn 27
* ''Permitte divis cetera.''
** Laosk kement-se gant an doueed .
** Levrenn I, telenngan ix, linenn 9
* ''Atqui si vitiis mediocribus ac mea paucis<br>mendosa est natura, alioqui recta, velut si<br>egregio inspersos reprehendas corpore naevos,<br>si neque avaritiam neque sordes nec mala lustra<br>obiciet vere quisquam mihi, purus et insons,<br>ut me collaudem, si et vivo carus amicis...<br>at hoc nunc<br>laus illi debetur et a me gratia maior.<br>nil me paeniteat sanum patris huius, eoque<br>non, ut magna dolo factum negat esse suo pars,<br>quod non ingenuos habeat clarosque parentis,<br>sic me defendam.''
** If my character is flawed by a few minor faults, but is otherwise decent and moral, if you can point out only a few scattered blemishes on an otherwise immaculate surface, if no one can accuse me of greed, or of prurience, or of profligacy, if I live a virtuous life, free of defilement (pardon, for a moment, my self-praise), and if I am to my friends a good friend, my father deserves all the credit... As it is now, he deserves from me unstinting gratitude and praise. I could never be ashamed of such a father, nor do I feel any need, as many people do, to apologize for being a freedman's son.
** Book I, satire vi, lines 65-92
* ''Nil sine magno<br>vita labore dedit mortalibus.''
** Translation: Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work.
** Book I, satire ix, line 59
=== ''[[w:Carminum liber primus|Odes]]'' (c. 23 BC and 13 BC) ===
* ''Nil desperandum...''
** Translation: Never despair...
** Book I, ode vii, line 27
* ''Permitte divis cetera.''
** Translation: Leave all else to the gods.
** Book I, ode ix, line 9
* ''...loquimur, fugerit invida <br> aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.''
** Translation: As we speak cruel time is fleeing. Seize the day, believing as little as possible in the morrow.
** Book I, ode xi, line 8
* ''O matre pulchra filia pulchrior''
** Translation: O fairer daughter of a fair mother!
** Book I, ode xvi, line 1
* ''Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero <br>pulsanda tellus.''
** Translation: Now is the time for drinking, now is the time to beat the earth with unfettered foot.
** Book I, ode xxxvii, line 1
* ''Aequam memento rebus in arduis<br>servare mentem.''
** Translation: In adversity, remember to keep an even mind.
** Book II, ode iii, line 1
* ''Auream quisquis mediocritatem <br>diligit''
** Translation: Whoever cultivates the golden mean avoids both the poverty of a hovel and the envy of a palace.
** Book II, ode x, line 5
* ''Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.''
** Translation: It is sweet and honorable to die for one's country.
** Book III, ode ii, line 13
* ''Iustum et tenacem propositi virum<br>non civium ardor prava iubentium,<br>non vultus instantis tyranni<br>mente quatit solida.''
** Translation: The man who is tenacious of purpose in a rightful cause is not shaken from his firm resolve by the frenzy of his fellow citizens clamoring for what is wrong, or by the tyrant's threatening countenance.
** Book III, ode iii, line 1
* ''Vis consili expers mole ruit sua''.
** Translation: Force without wisdom falls of its own weight.
** Book III, ode iv, line 65
* ''Magnus inter opes inops.''
** Translation: A pauper in the midst of wealth.
** Book III, ode xvi, line 28
* ''Ille potens sui<br>laetusque deget, cui licet in diem<br>dixisse "vixi: cras vel atra<br>nube polum pater occupato<br>vel sole puro."''
** Translation: He will through life be master of himself and a happy man who from day to day can have said, "I have lived: tomorrow the Father may fill the sky with black clouds or with cloudless sunshine."
** Book III, ode xxix, line 41
* ''Exegi monumentum aere perennius''
** Translation: I have made a monument more lasting than brass.
** Book III, ode xxx, line 1
* ''Pulvis et umbra sumus.''
** Translation: We are but dust and shadow.
** Book IV, ode vii, line 16
=== ''[[w:Epistularum liber primus|Epistles]]'' (c. 20 BC and 14 BC) ===
* ''Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri,<br>quo me cumque rapit tempestas, deferor hospes.''
** Translation: I am not bound over to swear allegiance to any master; where the storm drives me I turn in for shelter.
** Book I, epistle i, line 14
* ''Virtus est vitium fugere et sapientia prima<br>stultitia caruisse.''
** Translation: To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom.
** Book I, epistle i, line 41
* ''Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati.''
** Translation: We are but numbers, born to consume resources.
** Book I, epistle ii, line 27
* ''Dimidium facti qui coepit habet; sapere aude;<br>incipe!''
** Translation: He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!
** Book I, epistle ii, line 40
* ''Semper avarus eget''.
** Translation: The covetous man is ever in want.
** Book I, epistle ii, line 56
* ''Ira furor brevis est.''
** Translation: Anger is a short madness.
** Book I, epistle ii, line 62
* ''Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.<br>grata superveniet, quae non sperabitur hora.''
** Translation: Think to yourself that every day is your last; the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise.
** Book I, epistle iv, line 13
* ''Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret.''
** Translation: You may drive out Nature with a pitchfork, yet she still will hurry back.
** Book I, epistle iv, line 24
* ''Caelum, non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt.''
** Translation: They change their clime, not their disposition, who run across the sea.
** Book I, epistle xi, line 27
* ''Pauper enim non est, cui rerum suppetit usus.<br>si ventri bene, si lateri est pedibusque tuis, nil<br>divitiae poterunt regales addere maius.''
** Translation: He is not poor who has enough of things to use. If it is well with your belly, chest and feet, the wealth of kings can give you nothing more.
** Book I, epistle xii, line 4
* ''Nam neque divitibus contingunt gaudia solis,<br>nec vixit male, qui natus moriensque fefellit''.
** Translation: For joys fall not to the rich alone, nor has he lived ill, who from birth to death has passed unknown.
** Book I, epistle xvii, line 9
* ''Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet''.
** Translation: He who feared that he would not succeed sat still.
** Book I, epistle xvii, line 37
* ''Semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbium.''
** Translation: Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.
** Book I, epistle xviii, line 71
* ''Nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet''.
** Translation: It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
** Book I, epistle xviii, line 84
* ''Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit...''
** Translation: Captive Greece took captive her savage conqueror.
** Book II, epistle i, line 156
* ''Singula de nobis anni praedantur euntes''.
** Translation: The years as they pass plunder us of one thing after another.
** Book II, epistle ii, line 55
* ''Natales grate numeras?''
** Translation: Do you count your birthdays with gratitude?
** Book II, epistle ii, line 210
=== ''[[w:Ars Poetica|Ars Poetica]]'', or The Epistle to the Pisones (c. 18 BC) ===
* ''Inceptis gravibus plerumque et magna professis <br> purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter <br>adsuitur pannus.''
** Translation: Often a purple patch or two is tacked on to a serious work of high promise, to give an effect of colour.
** Line 14
* ''Brevis esse laboro,<br>obscurus fio''.
** Translation: It is when I struggle to be brief that I become obscure.
** Line 25
* ''Si vis me flere, dolendum est<br>primum ipsi tibi.''
** Translation: If you wish me to weep, you yourself<br>Must first feel grief.
** Line 102
* ''Difficile est proprie communia dicere.''
** Translation: It is difficult to speak of what is common in a way of your own.
** Line 128
* ''Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.''
** Translation: The mountains will be in labor, and a ridiculous mouse will be brought forth.
** Line 139
* ''Grais ingenium, Grais dedit ore rotundo <br>Musa loqui, præter laudem nullius avaris. . .''
** Translation: The Muse gave the Greeks their native character, and allowed them to speak in noble tones, they who desired nothing but praise.
** Line 323
* ''Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci,<br>lectorem delectando pariterque monendo''.
** Translation: He wins every hand who mingles profit with pleasure, by delighting and instructing the reader at the same time.
** Line 343